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Sweet + Aromatic + Fresh

When it comes to fall, sweets, it's marron, a cup with a warm, sweet scent that makes you feel like fall. Made with seasonal Dimbura tea that has a gentle bitterness and richness. 


A warm and sweet aroma of marron, and the gentle astringency and richness of seasonal Dimbura tea. Even if you make milk tea, you can still feel the taste of black tea, which is a sign of its excellent freshness. You can make it thicker and top it with whipped cream, or add Western liquor for an adult twist. Adding rum etc. will give it a much more mature taste. It goes perfectly with delicious fall sweets. 



秋のスウィーツと言えばマロン、ほくほくとした甘い香りに秋を感じる1杯。円満な渋みとコクを感じる旬のディンブラ茶使用。ほくほく甘いマロンの香りに、旬のディンブラ茶の円満な渋みとコクを感じる一杯に。ミルクティーにしても紅茶の味をしっかり感じるのは鮮度抜群の証。濃く出してホイップをのせたり、洋酒をたらして大人アレンジも。 ラム酒などを入れるとグッと大人なテイストになります。秋のおいしいスウィーツとの相性もぴったりです。

MARRON TEA 2023 l マロンティー2023

SKU: KC232510

    Weight: 1.5g

    Ingredients: Chestnut, Dimbula

    Country of Origin: Sri Lanka

    Best Before: More than half a year

    Expired: July 2026

    Preservation method: Store away from high temperatures, high humidity, and direct sunlight

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